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When I look into my lens I want to create something beautiful and unique. Photography allows me to view the world in a new perspective. I feel my creative energy flow through my soul when capturing an image. Photos allow me to acheieve this.  I try to find new angles and manipulate depth of field. 

Through out this semester my photo skills improved as well as my technique. When taking photos for the design challenge, I tryed to keep specific emotions in mind. the emotions I captureed allowed me to tell a story to my viewers. I kept this in mind for very photo assignment I was given. When editing photos I wanted to detail the subjects without distorting it.  Using editing it allowed me to manipiulate the photos vibes in another way.  I used the contrast and curves settings to manipulate the lighting. Details in unique settings kept me intrested in taking photos. When taking photos for urban patterns, I kept details in mind. focusing on that aspect I was able to capture more dynamic photos.  I will take what I have learned form this class and apply it to my future photos.   My work communicates  my views on the world and my emotions.   


Graphic Design 

In graphic design class my creative process was shown througout each project. I first would come up with the topic of my project and then brainstorm ways to interprate my ideas. When coming up with a topic I would normaly gravitate to somthing that I am intrested in. This way my projects would have a deeper meaning and create more of an intrest for me to work hard on them.  For the inforgraphic, my creativity lead me to a topic that im am educated in and passionat about, horses and veterianary medicine. My passion for the topics lead me to decide upon the final projects. I looked for insperation from my everyday life. With the propoganda posters I came up with the idea of the Junior, Senior lunch room area only. This situation I face every week day and felt that I had to present it the student body. My ideas over the semester evolved in  more creative way. As I learned more skills on the computer it allowed my work to expand crealtivey. 

 My technical process mainly consisted of photoshop. I used tools in there to minipulate images size, color, texture and over all apperance. I mainly used the eraser, quick selection tool, and magic wond to be able to cut out prta of the images I wanted. These tools came in use in all of my projects. for example in my inforgraphic I cut out an image of horse intestines from one image and pasted it on to the final product horse. I grew a lot in mastering these tools from the first project to the last. Just looking at my propogand poster you can see tecinal errors and as my work progresses the less errors came about. 

My works reflect my creative mind as a artist. I am not afraid to try new things and take risks inorder to create what I was invisning. Over the semester my voice has gotten stronger allowing myself to create cleaner work. My voice is still developing but im excited to see what I create in the future.  

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